Health Testing

Health Testing Events for Men and Women

In 2019 Kenilworth Lions, in conjunction with the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust, arranged their first testing session. Since then, over 900 tests have been undertaken with several men requiring further tests via their GP’s, resulting in successful treatment.
Our Club now collaborates with Kenilworth Rugby Club to jointly facilitate Health Testing Events on behalf of the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust (website:

As well as PSA testing for men, which has been available as a separate event for several years, other tests are now available for anyone to apply for, namely:

DiabetesKidney Function
CholesterolLiver Function
ThyroidVitamin D
Iron CountFemale Hormones (Menopause)

The tests listed above are important to our overall wellbeing, especially as we get older!

Prostate cancer and PSA tests
According to Prostate Cancer UK, about 1 in 8 men in the UK will get prostate cancer in their lifetime. Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and this risk increases with age. The risk is even higher for black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer. All men over 40 should consider having this test, particularly where this disease runs in the family.
Although there is no national screening programme in place to have a PSA blood test, it is the best available at the current time. A positive or ‘red’ result will suggest that the matter be discussed with one’s GP. Any follow up checks may then be arranged in order to ascertain a correct diagnosis.
It is important to note that these tests are not 100% in their accuracy.  Check website for for further details.

Looking forward we will continue to facilitate testing sessions for our community.