Community Grants
If you wish to apply for a Pride of Lions Community Grant, please submit an application using the link below. Please read the guidance notes for further details before starting to complete the form.
(If you would prefer to complete a PDF version of the application form, please download it from the bottom of this page.)
Guidance Notes:
- Grants must result in a clear benefit to individuals or groups from Kenilworth or the immediate area;
- Strong preference will be given to funding “one off” costs for specific items or activities, rather than covering operational running costs;
- The Club may exceptionally provide 100% funding but will normally expect the applicant to raise an element of “matched funding” from elsewhere;
- If the applicant has yet to raise sufficient money to achieve the intended outcome the Club may issue a certificate in the form of a “pledge” committing the Club to making the agreed payment once the total amount has been raised. Such a pledge will normally be valid for twelve months;
- Grants will not be provided to support any national charity activities unless there is a direct, immediate and obvious benefit to the people of Kenilworth;
- Grants will not be provided to anyone raising funds to donate onwards to any local or national charity;
- Applicants may be asked to discuss their proposal with members of the Club’s Community Services Committee if further clarification is needed;
- Wherever appropriate, Kenilworth Lions Club may publicise the outcome of any grant through local media to help facilitate its future fund-raising activities;
- Successful applicants may be invited to a meeting of the Club to talk about their completed project;
- If necessary, please attach any additional information in support of your application;
- You will receive an emailed copy of your application when submitted.
To see the most recent grants awarded, please click below:
Click on the button below to apply online (this is the preferred route).
A PDF version of the application form is available below for those who’d rather not submit an online application.