
Who are Kenilworth Lions?

Kenilworth Lions Club currently consists of 54 members, making it one of the largest Lions Clubs in the region. It is part of the Lions Clubs International (LCI) organisation, operating in 200 countries around the world. LCI celebrated its centennial year in 2017, and our local club celebrated its 50th anniversary throughout 2019.

Kenilworth Lions Club members, November 2024

Where do Kenilworth Lions meet?

Our Club meetings are held on the second Monday evening of each month*, usually starting at 7:30pm, or at 7pm if we have a speaker. We meet at Kenilworth Sports & Social Club, Upper Rosemary Hill, CV8 2PA (full bar available)
* Tuesday if the Monday falls on a Bank Holiday

What do Kenilworth Lions do?

Our biggest commitment (and fundraiser) is the Second-hand Furniture Store & Bazaar. The premises at John Price House on Farmer Ward Road are open every Saturday morning throughout the year, except for a short Christmas/New Year break. We sell a wide range of pre-owned furniture and bric-a-brac donated by members of the public, and organise van collections and deliveries for larger items to homes within a defined radius.

We organise and run three of the best loved events in the Kenilworth community calendar – the Grand Show in June, Carols at the Castle just before Christmas, and the famous Boxing Day Duck Race. We also organise smaller one-off events through the year. More information can be found on our Events page

The proceeds from these activities and events make Kenilworth Lions Club a major donor to local charities and organisations, with total donations now approaching £85,000 a year. Since the Club was founded in 1969, the total of our donations to charities and good causes exceeds £900,000.

What are the benefits of becoming a Lion?

We’re a friendly group of individuals from all sorts of backgrounds, bound together by a common desire to put something back into our local community, and to have fun while we’re doing it.

What would be expected of me?

That’s largely up to you, depending on how much time you can afford to give and what your interests are.

A lot of our members enjoy a great sense of camaraderie from working at the Furniture Store on Saturday mornings, or collecting and delivering furniture during the week. Others get involved in helping to organise one or more of our public events, monthly social events, or behind-the-scenes activities like publicity, equipment etc.

We ask all members to attend the monthly Club meeting whenever they can. This helps to strengthen our togetherness as a Club, and keeps everyone involved in everything that is happening through the year.

Lions having fun!

We run a monthly programme of social activities throughout the year, involving club members and partners, with hopefully something for everyone to enjoy. In recent years, sporting events have included croquet, bowling and a skittles evening. We’ve had trips to Brooklands Museum, Crich Tramway Museum and Chavenage House.
Other annual events include a safari supper, quiz nights and charter/changeover dinners.

See left our fabulous entertainment at our New Year dinner 2022.