The heart of Kenilworth Lions Club is our Furniture Store in Farmer Ward Road.
The fundamental community benefit from our furniture store is to reduce furniture and other household items going to landfill as waste as well as to raise funds for grants. During the first six months of 2023, the total number of items saved by Kenilworth
Lions from going to landfill was 1,627 pieces. The total tonnage saved from landfill for this half year was 22.41 tonnes.
Kenilworth Lions Furniture Store has long been a community hub for recycling spectacles and hearing aids. Spectacles and hearing aids are collected at our furniture store. Kenilworth Lions collect several thousand pairs of glasses each year. Lions (nationally) have now become the number one spectacle recycler in the UK. In the first 6 months of this year Lions UK have donated 1 million pairs of spectacles. The spectacles are sent to Medico in France (owned by Lions of France) where they are checked, assessed and then sent to Third World Countries.