Pride of Lions grants – October 2023

The following donations were recommended by Kenilworth Lions’ Community Services Committee and agreed unanimously by Lions’ members at the October club meeting:

  • A donation of £500 was agreed for the Friends of Sick Children in Malawi which will provide wheelchairs and other equipment for those affected. We supported this charity with a similar donation in 2022.
  • A voucher for £100 is to be presented to a young Kenilworth resident, who recently received a service certificate from the club, in appreciation of his work with other young people at the Kenilworth Centre.
  • A grant of £2,000 was made to LCIF’s Morocco Earthquake Disaster appeal.
  • A Kenilworth resident, supported by a social worker, was awarded £770 to purchase a bubble tube and bedroom decorating materials for her teenage son, who has complex disabilities.
  • An award of £1,140 was agreed for Compassionate Kenilworth to support room hire and professional services for their Bereavement Café for 2024.
  • A contribution of £2,000 was granted to Warwick District Council to improve access to and paving around Kenilworth War Memorial. This project is scheduled to be completed in time for this year’s Remembrance service in November.
  • Furniture Store vouchers amounting to £500 in value were awarded to support three requests for assistance.

A total of £6,510 has been donated or pledged this month, excluding the vouchers.



