Pride of Lions grants – November 2023

The following donations were recommended by Kenilworth Lions’ Community Services Committee and agreed unanimously by Lions’ members at the November club meeting:

  • A donation of £2,000 was agreed for Shakespeare Hospice which will provide funds to assist Hospice at Home services in Kenilworth.
  • A grant of £2,000 was made to LCIF’s Pacific Region Hurricane Disaster appeal.
  • An award of £1,000 was agreed for Criminon, a national charity which provides offender education projects in Warwickshire. Courses provide basic skills to enable offenders to continue to study/train to gain useful employment on release from custody.
  • Furniture Store vouchers amounting to £800 in value were awarded to support five requests for assistance.
  • A total of £5,000 has been donated or pledged this month, excluding the vouchers.



