Pride of Lions grants – February 2024

The following donations were recommended by Kenilworth Lions’ Community Services Committee and agreed unanimously by Lions’ members at the February club meeting:

  • A donation of £4,000 was agreed for Kenilworth District Scouts which will provide funds for the installation of an audio/visual system for their new scout and guide centre.
  • A grant of £1,500 was made to Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre to fund 5 weeks therapy for 2 Kenilworth children.
  • A grant of £55 was made to Kenilworth Social Prescribers to help a disadvantaged Kenilworth resident.
  • A pledge of £2,000 was made to SWFT (Warwick Hospital) towards funds to provide two new scalp cooling machines for the Aylesford Cancer Unit.
  • A pledge of £500 was made to Kenilworth Sports and Social Club towards the cost of installing a defibrillator outside the club’s premises.
  • A donation of £1,000 was awarded to Cancer Research UK in memory of Lion Paddy Murphy, a past president of Kenilworth Lions Club, who passed away recently.
  • 5th Kenilworth Scouts were awarded £250 to help towards transport costs for a trip to Wales.
  • A Furniture Store voucher for £200 was awarded to a local resident.
  • A total of £9,305 has been donated or pledged this month, excluding the voucher.



