Pride of Lions grants – April 2023

  • The following donations were recommended by Kenilworth Lions’ Community Services Committee and agreed unanimously by Lions’ members at the April club meeting:
  • A pledge was promised to Arts Uplift CIC to help run 36 weekly dementia activity workshops in Kenilworth Library from September 2023.
  • Funding was agreed for Kenilworth School to subsidise the costs of Dutch exchange students visiting the town later in the year.
  • A grant was made to the Lillington Community Pantry to help provide food and basic essentials for needy families in the area.
  • A donation has been made to the Waverley Day Centre to partially fund the purchase of a second vehicle to provide transport for an increasing number of members.
  • A furniture store voucher for £300 has been issued to an Afghan lady and her child who have fled an abusive relationship to set up home in Warwick.
  • Following the Mississippi tornado in the USA, a grant has been made to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) to support the disaster appeal.
  • A total of £12,000 has been donated this month, excluding the voucher.



