The following donations were recommended by Kenilworth Lions’ Community Services Committee and agreed unanimously by Lions’ members at the January club meeting:
- Donation of £200 were agreed for a Girl Guide to attend an event in Hungary.
- A grant of £600 was given to Coventry and Warwickshire Youth Orchestra to enable youth involvement in the Last Night of the Proms youth group involvement for this event.
- A donation of £1,000 was given to the Priory Youth Theatre to help with re-establishing after the pandemic with the putting on of two one act plays.
- A grant of £900 was awarded to the Old Town Festival to help with funding traffic Management and Medical Cover for the Festival on August Bank Holiday.
- A donation of £1000 was given to the Médecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) to help with funds for the work they carry out in the world.
- Two Furniture Store vouchers amounting to £270 were awarded to disadvantage families.
A total of £3,700 has been donated or pledged this month, excluding the vouchers.
EAS 15/01/25